Saturday, November 29, 2008

Lovely Day....

Well today is my birthday and I can proudly say I am 51...(gee that sounds old)....I have had a lovely day, but my little celebrations did start yesterday, rocked up to work, office all decorated (by my boss)...lovely big mud cake for morning tea...worked thru lunch and then went over to the hairdressers, the lovely Cath (Martha) owner of "Whispers" came out singing with chocolate sponge filled with jam and very thoughtful, and wow is Cath talented..... then I came home and a parcel had come in the post..and look what was inside, this has been made for me by gorgeous blogging friend.....Lynda and I have been chatting now for about a year, I think we are kindred spirits well that's how it feels to me anyway....this will be cherished, I just love it, thank you so very much Lynda...I have more show and tell, but today I am going to share this one with you...thanks to everyone for all the lovely emails I have received as well....I am blessed I have such a wonderful family the best friends a person could every ask for and I am healthy, what more could one want in life.......I hope you are all having a fab day...


  1. Happy Birthday!!!!
    What a gorgeous gift!!
    Hope you have a wonderful birthday weekend. :-) (And 51 is not old!)

  2. It is beautiful - and personalized too! What a good friend you have.

  3. Happy Birthday Peg!!!

    Sounds like you've had a wonderful day; I'm so glad :^)

  4. Many best wishes for a fabulous birthday Peg, your bag from Lynda is delicious.
    Hope you had a great day.

  5. What a great birthday!!
    Happy Birthday Peg!

  6. Peg I wish you a very
    Happy Birthday
    best wishes always
    hugs Beth

  7. Happy Birthday to You
    Happy Birthday to You
    Happy Birthday Dear Peggy
    happy Birthday to YOU.!!!!!!!!!
    what a Gorgeous Gift for your sewing I'm sure it will be Used well & truly...Hope your Day has been the Best.

  8. Happy Birthday Peg! What an awesome gift! Lucky you! Enjoy the rest of your day!

  9. Happy Birthday.
    What a lovely gift. Is this a pattern or your friend's own design.
    Lucky you.
    Kind regards from Liz

  10. Happy birthday Peg, I hope it's been a great day. Now don't going saying 51 sounds old, then I'll have to start and feel

  11. Have a fabulous birthday. You dont look a day over 21, Enjoy your day in every way possible. Al the best

    Kez xoxo

  12. Happy birthday. Hope you will have a wonderful day. Your present is beautiful.

  13. Happy Birthday, Peg. And you have got a really beautiful present. Have a nice day.

  14. Happy Birthday Peg.

  15. Happy Birthday Peg, in spanish too Feliz cumpleaños! Congratulations for the beautiful present...have a great day! kisses

  16. Happy Birthday Peg! I love that birthday gift from Lynda, I really must have a go at one of them, they look like just the thing to cart around,

  17. Happy Birthday, Peg
    What a lovely gift from your friend..
    have a great evening, and 51 is not looked lovely at your cyber party!!
    Hugs Julia

  18. Have a wonderful birthday weekend, Peg.

  19. Happy Birthday Peg .... what an incredibly thoughtful present!!! Hope you're having a fabulous day!!!
    Joy :o)

  20. Hi Peg,
    I hope you've had a terrific birthday ~ HAPPY BIRTHDAY ~
    It seems that my wishes for you already came true: you had a great day with, a biiiig birthday cake and fabulous pressies (well, that one is crossed of the list for sure - what a beautiful 'utensilio' (sorry, don't know the proper word in English) bag).
    Hugs from the other end of the world!

  21. Happy Birthday Peg.Lovely gift. Hope your day was all great
    XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO from Norway to you

  22. Hey Peg! Happy Birthday!! Hope you had a spectacular day and were spoilt rotten with gifts of chocolate and fabric - cos you deserve it!! May the coming year hold lots of adventures, lots of laughs, lots of friends and lots of love! Many happy returns! Bear Hugs! KRIS

  23. Happy Birthday Peg!!!!
    Love your sewing bag from Lynda...lucky you!!! CAthyxx

  24. Happiest of Birthdays! What a beautiful sewing bag. Isn't it interesting how we find "kindred spirits" through blogging that we would have never met otherwise. Lots of terrific people in the world.

  25. Happy Birthday Peg! They must have made things well in 1957. ( you can guess how I know, although I was born a bit earlier than you)

    Best wishes from up here in Queensland.

  26. Haooy Birthday my friend. Your gift is lovely.
    This is my philosophy on aging: My daughter wonders if I will start coloring the gray on my head. I tell her NO! I've earned the right to wear those gray highlights. And that is how I feel. So enjoy 51. It is a priveledge.

  27. Happy (Belated) Birthday!!! Glad you had a great day! May you have many, many more!

  28. Peg- Happy Birthday! What a wonderful gift. I love it and I am sure you will put it to good use! Hope your day was wonderful.

  29. I wish you a very happy birthday!
    Take care!

  30. Hartelijk gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag (O: What a lovely age!

  31. Happy Birthday Peg! Sounds like you've had a great day! And that's a lovely birthday gift too! :0)

  32. OK Peg, I have to sing to all my blogging friends so here goes,
    "Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday dear Peg,
    Happy Birthday to you,
    and Many More...."
    Beautiful bag that Linda made for you.

  33. Wishing you a very happy birthday, what a beautiful gift from your blogging friend - glad that your day was special. Hugs Jx

  34. Happy birthday Peg, what a beautiful gift. Have a lovely day. Julie.

  35. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Peg!And that craft tote/organizer is gorgeous. What a wonderful friend!

  36. happy birthday, peg. just a bit late. i hope you had a wonderful day. looks like you're getting some great goodies!

  37. I am so late, but Happy belated Birthday to you dear Peg.

  38. Belated Happy Birthday to you! Sounds like you had a grand time!!! Wishing you many more xka

  39. Happy Birthday, Peg, (one day late). Hope your day was everything you hoped it to be. May you have many more years....

  40. Happy Belated Birthday Peg!!
    Sounds like a lovely birthday and you received some gorgeous pressies!

  41. Happy belated birthday .... sounds like you had the perfect day!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment, I do enjoy reading them all...take care, keep safe, happy quilting .. Peg