I am feeling a little pleased with myself….my late BAS client dropped his stuff into me on Friday….well I found his gear at the front door, as I was heading out to my day job….. I was just a little annoyed, thinking to myself you need to ring him..but I didn’t…decided I would not bust myself to get it done…...but……guess what I did….yesterday morning up really early to watch the opening ceremony of the Games…thought I might as well start on his bookwork…by the end of the day his BAS was all done…it has been delivered back to his home, with just a little friendly note suggesting a little more time would be good…The BAS is done and I feel good!!!!!….
In the rules of ‘Peg Land’….if you work really really hard, you earn some ‘me’ time, 60 hours of work this week so I think I deserve some ‘me’ time….….so today as been declared…’me day”…..

Should I work on this!!!!!!!!!!!!

Or maybe this….
Treat yourself and I hope you all have the best ever “ME DAY”……I am….
Happy Sunday…ME DAY….take care, keep safe…
“Love yourself -- accept yourself -- forgive yourself -- and be good to yourself, because without you the rest of us are without a source of many wonderful things.”