Saturday, October 13, 2018



Back in the day…I was on P&C and and School Council…

We were big into fundraising…

here is photo I found in an album my dear old mum had on, stuff I did….

came cross this when we cleaned out the old family home when my brother passed away a couple of months ago…..and, I have only just started to go through it all…..

loads of awesome memories with precious friends…

Happy Saturday

take care

keep safe


Image result for quotes about friendship


  1. No doubt lots of pr croustade memories are going to resurface as you face that massive task! Take it easy Peg 😘

  2. What fun. Lovely that your mum kept it.

  3. Sorry about the loss of your brother.... Love the funny

  4. So sad and happy memories in all that. Hugs

  5. Sew good to find the old photos that bring back happy memories.

  6. very beautiful and so lovely work :) i like your good idea ,Thanks for the inspiration!


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  10. اذا كنت تبحث عن شركة نقل اثاث متخصصة وذات خبرة في النقل انصحك بالتعامل مع شركة السلطان بدون تردد لانها تمتلك امكانيات جبارة سيارات نقل حديثة واوناش رفع كثيرة وعمال مدربين علي فك وتركيب الاثاث وكل شئ تتخيله .

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Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment, I do enjoy reading them all...take care, keep safe, happy quilting .. Peg