Saturday, September 24, 2016

Busy week

Wren ......


Another huge week....that darn dogs disease decided to visit me....have been struggling all week I even had a day off work .....not like me at all....
So not much sewing from me at all.....
So here are a few photos of my grand children....

Occie fell asleep before he finished his icecream!....LOL

Peg.  ðŸ˜„😄😄

Saturday, September 17, 2016


Yesterday was Occie day....
DH was the chief baby sitter...
so that means coffee delivered to Moo Moo at work.....
that just makes my day as it was the week from hell at work!!!!
the Occ was a bit keen on my old sewing machine yesterday....
and the mat worked a treat....

have a totally awesome Saturday

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Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Occies mat is finished.....

Occies play mat is completed....
Some of my stippling is a little wonky...
I am sure he won't mind!!!!!

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Tuesday, September 13, 2016

More from Julie

And yet another one back from Julie....
this is also completed.....
massive thank you again dear Julie...

Cross the ocean

Monday, September 12, 2016

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Wonderful day .....

Yesterday we decided to buy a super cheap stroller to keep in our car for Occie...
$25.00 !!!! works like a charm....LOL....James needed work shoes so it was a quick trip to Dubbo....
we decided we would pop out to the Dubbo Zoo for a little looksee see....we have not been there for wont be long and we will be back.....

Occie and Poppie Jimmie....

Occie and Moo Moo

Pop and the boy!!!!

a monkey to take home with us....

very tired.......
Happy Sunday everyone.........

Peg x

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Saturday, September 10, 2016

Family time.....

My DH with Oscar and Wren

my number three son Josh...with his son Oscar and his niece Wren......
we all had a fantastic couple of days when my number two son Chris and his Kate and our grand daughter Wren came for a visit.....

Chris has just sent these two photos to me.....
Chrissy has a cold...that is why the toilet roll is on the table....great for a runny nose!!!!!!

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Tuesday, September 6, 2016

A Play Mat for Occie

A little purchase from the lovely Kerry....Cottage On The Hill.....
a play mat for Occie....
I have made a start....!!!!!!

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Monday, September 5, 2016

What I did n Nundle....And Baby Doll is coming for a visit

Black and White....
was my theme....
This is what I made at Nundle....

Wren Olivia....our gorgeous grand daughter is coming for a visit...arriving today....
super excited....
Happy Monday.....

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