
Monday, September 22, 2008


NPNT...another completed block....I am on a bit of a roll at the moment, would like to be able to complete one a week....not a big ask....but can I stick to it....will another project come along and temp me.......(probably yes)....


  1. You are definitely on a roll! Nice!

  2. Beautiful as usual!! Im sure you wont be distracted.....(she says with her tongue firmly planted in her left cheek!!) Cathyx

  3. Lovely, and yes you are certainly on a roll!

  4. Hi Peg - my goodness you have been a busy lass. You have been working on some really lovely projects. Love your great niece's quilt - gorgeous stitcheries and lovely fabrics - she will be so happy. Have not been online for about a week and catching up on everyone's blogs. Have a happy week. Hugs Jx

  5. Peg, the NPNT are so nice, they even inspire me to start mine...the amount of them un-insoires me! Is that eena word??? LOL.

  6. ...that would be un-inspire, hehehe, maybe should proof read prior to hitting enter!

  7. More great NPNT blocks Peg. And, you are joining them as you stitch so you won't end up with a bag of blocks "in waiting". I am still tempted but trying to resist. I do enjoy watching your progress.

  8. I'm trying to resist this one too, but I love yours!

    Maybe I should finish my last poor BOM before I start this.

    So cute though!

  9. I love looking at your NPNT blocks. They're so cute. I will confess I did order the patterns last week after seeing your blocks. I've never done any hand embroidery before so this will be a learning experience.

  10. Something ALWAYS comes along to tempt me! But I'd have to wear blinkers to resist LOL

  11. You have been busy. Love the blocks and your Sweet Pea quilt is so very cute also.

  12. Oh Peg, I'm enjoying these blocks you are making. Love the fabric and the stitcheries...... Great job.

  13. Lovely colours, stitching and fabrics Peg. I think you will be tempted to start something else - too hard to say no when there's so many gorgeous patterns and fabrics out there.

  14. Peg, they look great. Must start one day soon (maybe after the school holidays) ......wonderful

  15. Great job. Love the colors in the stitcheries and the fabric.

  16. Of course you will see something to tempt you, that is natural.

  17. beautiful work! I love the combo of stichery and quilting.

  18. I love this quilt. You don't know how much restraint I am exercising not to do it too. I have too many things on the go that I need to finish first.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment, I do enjoy reading them all...take care, keep safe, happy quilting .. Peg