
Thursday, February 1, 2018

OPAM 2018

Opam 2018

The One Project A Month (OPAM) Challenge Guidelines 2018
The idea of the “One Project A Month Challenge is pretty simple ... To try to finish at least ONE craft project by the end of each month. This can be something you’ve had partly done for a while (a Work In Slow Progress WISP), a pattern you bought ages ago that you finally get around to making up, or a completely new project. This is meant to be a low-stress challenge  - if you don’t finish a project every month  - that’s fine! We understand sometimes life interferes with our plans. We also realise some projects are meant to be long-term and have a LOT of work involved, like a quilt or a cross-stitch. The main aim of the OPAM Challenge is to give us all a bit of a motivational boost and to give us all a big cheer squad to encourage and inspire us.
Please read through all  guidelines before you sign up.
1. Participants must have an ACTIVE BLOG. If you change your blog address, drop us an email telling us your old address and what you’ve changed it to.
2. Numbers won’t be limited for the sign up for OPAM 2018, BUT ... it WILL close on February 28.
3. Participants can sign up via email to Kris or Peg, or via a comment on EITHER blog AS LONG AS it includes all asked for information.
4. Please provide all info asked for. * Name (first and initial of surname in case of double up names); * Email; * Blog address.
5. Please add the OPAM Challenge badge on your blog sidebar and link it to either Kris’s or Peg’s blog.
6. Please keep a list of each month’s finishes on your blog sidebar and update it BEFORE the last day of each month. (This is easiest if you add each project as you finish it.) If you can put this directly under the OPAM badge on your sidebar it will be easier for Peg and Kris to find it. You may also choose to have a separate OPAM 2018 page on your blog.  That’s fine too as long as it’s clearly labelled.
7. Only ‘soft’ crafts are included in the OPAM Challenge, ie. Projects made from fabric, thread or wool. Some examples are: embroidery, patchwork, quilting, cross-stitch, knitting, crochet, practical sewing (curtains, clothes etc), long stitch, appliqué.
8. QUILTS: A quilt will only be counted as a finish if it is COMPLETELY finished ... Quilted and bound. Flimsies/tops won’t count as finishes.
9. BOM’s:  Individual BOM blocks DO NOT count as a finish.
10. If you can email Peg or Kris your list of finishes each month BEFORE the end of the month, this would be appreciated, as it cuts down the amount of time it takes to check finishes for the month. (and save Peg and Kris from getting square eyes!)
11.  Lastly, participants MUST ... Have fun! After all, the reason we craft and create is to relax, have fun and take some time away from the “Have to” tasks to do the “Like to do” ones! :0)

so. if you wanna play, please email either myself or

My Darling partner in crime Kris  with all your details

Have a fabtabulous day

Peg and Kris…..


  1. I'm in
    Name (Susan Wild (or you can use Susan Oh2Sew)
    Blog address.

    I'll update my badge too.


  2. Count me in again this year, Peg. I'll send you an email now. xx

  3. Emailing you now... thanks again to you and Kris for being fabtabulous hostesses xx

  4. Look forward to another year of OPAM , thanks heaps Kris and Peg...
    Email details now.

  5. thank you Peg, have emailed...x

  6. Hello Peg! I follow Christine's (McDonald) blog and I would love to join in with the OPAM. I have a blog called Patchwork Allsorts. Is it okay to start now and what do I need to do next? Thank you! Christine x

  7. Would love to join up this year but cannot seem to get through on email at the moment. Let me know what l can do next.
    Name: Maddy.C. Email:

  8. You girls are so good doing this every year,lots of fun for everyone xx

  9. Yes Peg I am in this is my year to get my sewing mojo back!

  10. You know I'm in! email to follow. Thanks Ladies.

  11. Thanks again for offering another year of OPAM. I already posted two January finishes in my sidebar.

  12. Of course I want to play.... count me in.
    Email to follow...

  13. Would love to join in, emailing you very soon. Thanks for organising this :)

  14. Yes please - I really want to get back to crafting and need little challenges to take my mind off my health issues.
    Jan D. Blog name ; Email; you, Peg and Kris - you are so good to do this for us.

  15. I very much like your pattern it's beautiful,thank for sharing good i dea !


  16. did I sign up Peg???? You know I must! just so much going on, I don't remember! lol
    still, I need the encouragement. xoxox thanks gorgeous


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment, I do enjoy reading them all...take care, keep safe, happy quilting .. Peg