
Saturday, August 13, 2016

For Wren......

I did have a few quilts as well as a couple of blankets I had a bash at crocheting for Wren which we took down for our first visit last weekend....
The wrinkled old lady is me...LOL...holding our little Wren, and yes she is dressed on blue and green with monsters on it......Chris and Kate are not into specific colours for babies as is pink or for girls or  blue for boys.....


  1. She looks so adorable. Enjoy those cuddles.I hope she enjoys your lovely gifts.

  2. Oh such lovely cuddles. Beautiful times

  3. Lovely blankies and quilts for Wren to snuggle under.... I love her suit and cute hat....

  4. That cute baby is never going to be cold with all those beautiful blankets and quilts.

  5. oh Peg little Wren sure is going to be so warm and cuddly,so preciuos are our grandies,hope you have a wonderful Sunday my friend xx

  6. A new baby is a perfect reason for new quilts and blankets.... she looks very cute in her monster suit

  7. Wren is just gorgeous, I thought I'd spotted a couple of crocheted blankets in amongst the quilts love the vintage feel using just white 😊

  8. Awww! So beautiful! Lucky bubba to have lovelies from her Grandma xx


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment, I do enjoy reading them all...take care, keep safe, happy quilting .. Peg