
Monday, November 11, 2013

More of our wonderful blog meet…

A few of our online stitching group also went to Bathurst…..Susan, (the apron Susan has on was her gift from Paula) Fee, Chooky, Jan (retired, Me, Lynda and Sue…great to catch up with some of the girls and to also meet Sue and Jan….

Blog Meet November 2013 026

Susan, Jan and Fee

Blog Meet November 2013 028

Anni and Chooky, and look who had to stick their beaks in…..Peg and Dale..!!!!!

Blog Meet November 2013 034

We also had a swap…amazing goodies in there!!!!

Blog Meet November 2013 044

and of course Peg and Dale had to have a photo taken with Peg and Dale…..

Which are the real ones!!!!!!….LOL

Happy Monday, I am having a day off today…woo hoo…

take care and keep safe



  1. Gorgeous photos Peg - looks like everyone had a lovely time and your photos in Anni's shop of everyone are just divine!

  2. HI Peg, great piccies! Enjoy your day off..I think I'm a bit jetlagged today...sign of a good weekend ;) xo Suze

  3. Everyone looks like they are enjoying themselves. I see Jan was there too. It doesn't seem that long ago that I met her in person in Ballarat! Enjoy your day off. I wonder what you'll be doing. Sewing perhaps!

  4. Looks like a lot of fun you have a fabulous day off.

  5. Lovely pics Peg and i cant work out which are the real Peg and Dale,lol,good to see them pop up again,have a lovely day my friend.xx

  6. so great to meet people in person....

  7. Was a great day Peg .... Great to see you again x

  8. Looks like you were all having a lovely time collecting supplies there.
    Hope your day off has been a good one.

  9. You didn't miss me?....LOL ..looks like you had a lovely day...great picks. Xx

  10. Ahh all you hens clucking away!! Loved the pics peg and could see you were all having a blast! Great to be with like minded people

  11. Your meeting seems to have been a very good time !! I wish I could come one day …. and cherry on top of the cake (do you say the same saying ?) you could see and talk to Anni !!!! What a dream !

  12. so great to catch up.....see you soon...

  13. It was Lovely to see Jan and Lynda meeting up with you Girl's....
    Glad you all had a Great Day xx


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment, I do enjoy reading them all...take care, keep safe, happy quilting .. Peg