
Friday, September 7, 2012

Gifts from an Angel….and retreat time!!!!!!!!!!!

Once a season swap….Spring…hosted by the lovely Chez… 

These are the amazing gifts that I have receive from Deb


I even made a comment on Debs blog when she showed she had a parcel going in the post not knowing at all it was for me….!!!!!!!!!!!!!







How many times can a girl be blown away in one week…well it happened again….when I received this parcel from Deb….I know I have said this before but I am speechless…truly perfect gifts….Deb thank you so much…huge hugs have been sent your way…..

NOW…..Guess what……………….I am going on retreat today…..we have this most amazing friend Carol and she has a farm just out of town and a couple of times a year we are invited out there for a sleepover, amazing food, sewing, a few drinkies, lots of laughing sometimes shedding a tear…but boy do we have a good time…..and I need this so much… has been so busy…….Meegs and I have been on a merry go round….I have not been feeling the best for several weeks now, but that is just part of my life… most people we all have a few problems…but it has caught up on this old girl….LOL….so I am off for lots of R & R with some very gorgeous ladies…..back on Sunday..hope you all have a fantastic  weekend as well….

Deb once again thank you so very much

Wahoo I am off……………..

Happy Friday, take care, keep so very very safe

Peg xx

A true friend is one who thinks you are a good egg even if you are half-cracked.


  1. wow great gifts from Deb,what a wonderful swap parcel.
    Peg you take care and look after yourself and have the best rest,i know the girls will look after you,have fun.xx

  2. Gorgeous gifts form Deb!!!

    Enjoy your time away too


  3. Lucky you, beautiful gifts from Deb. Enjoy your retreat, sometimes we need to feed the soul as well, and a weekend with the girls usually does the trick.

  4. Beautiful pressies Peg. I hope you and the girls have The Best Time.

  5. gorgeous gifts from Deb......have a great weekend.........slow down........

  6. Gosh Peg what a gorgeous parcel from Deb, she is one clever lady. Live Life Simply is amazing, such meticulous piecing. Have a wonderful weekend away

  7. Beautiful gifts from Deb. Have a great time on the weekend.

  8. Lucky you both for the lovely gifties and your retreat weekend...

  9. Wow - what a gift, I have to get into this swap business, it looks wonderful. As for your retreat I hope it too leaves you feeling rested and wonderful. Maybe you feel under the weather because you never stop and you over stitch (oh green monster coming out now) lol. Have a great time and I can't wait to see what you produce.

  10. What a wonderful gift Peg - it is soooo pretty. Hope you have a fabulous weekend with your friends - sounds like a bit of R&R is much needed.

  11. Can I come too!!! Hope you have a fun time even though I wont be there :(
    Lots of lovely gifts for you Peg,enjoy your time away :) Barb.

  12. Wonderful gifts... lucky YOU! And yes I agree with Barb... I want to come too
    Enjoy your weekend with friends! :)

  13. Awesome gifts from Deb.. she's a star.... have a lovely weekend and hope you rest well and come back refreshed and feeling much stronger...

  14. Glad you liked your pressies Peg!! enjoy your retreat!

  15. Wonderful gifts - and made with love and passion!


  16. What darling gifts from Deb! Peg, I hope you have an amazing time, and come back feeling refreshed and healthy again....

  17. You sure were spoilt again. Lucky you to receive these gorgeous gifts.
    That hanging is very special.
    Enjoy your retreat.

  18. This is so cute! I just shared it on my FB page Shaped by Grace! Thanks for sharing -- I'm off to Target! ;-) Have a great week!
    live tv streaming

  19. I'm jealous...these are beautiful.

  20. Great catching up with you. Lovely projects made and received. I have the sheep and baby stitchery as a small bag too, made by a friend (:
    Happy week.

  21. Very nice gifts :))


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment, I do enjoy reading them all...take care, keep safe, happy quilting .. Peg