
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Time to say thankyou…


Happy In Quilting….that is what I am…..

It’s time for a bit of a give away…..

Can you believe that I have over 700 followers, that is just mind boggling… I think we need to celebrate….

I would like to say ‘thankyou’….for popping by, for all your wonderful comments, and for following my stitching journey …….

If you would like to win a little handmade gift by me, please make a comment on this post, and you will be entered into my draw….

Good Luck….Take Care…and Happy Tuesday


"Celebrate the happiness that friends are always giving, make every day a holiday and celebrate just living!"


  1. Well someone had to be number one. 700 followers is quite an achievement, i'm still trying to get 100. Nevertheless you totally deserve it, Peg. I love your blog and your beautiful projects.I'd love to win just to receive one of your wonderful items.

  2. Thank you for inspiration!!!
    I wonder what kind of dog you have..

  3. Wow, congratulations. I am also one of those happy followers. Thanks so much for sharing and all the insiration.
    Be blessed

  4. 700 followere, well done to you Peg. I love your blog and have it in my sidebar and pop in each post. Dont always leave a message, but do certainly read. Happy in Quilting, you certainly are.

  5. Congratulations Peg. It is amazing that we both still keep on blogging. But it is so wonderful having all this bloggerfriends all over the world.
    I have been so bad giving comments on blogs lately, but hope I have more time now to give comments. But I read your blogpost every time :)
    Big hugs to you.

  6. Congratulations Peg. Have been reading your blog for several years now & love it. Hugs,

  7. Peg you are so generous. To have 700 followers is delightful. So many people loving your work and words of wisdom. Thank you for brightening my day each morning.

  8. Hey Peg...It's my pleasure to follow you...why I'd follow you half way around the world and back!! haha You make and stitch the loveliest projects! Please throw my name into your give away hat!!

  9. Hi Peg. Congras with your 700 followers. You bring a lot of inspiration, so thank you:-) hugs

  10. Thanks for many days of inspiration and encouragement Peg.... I would love to win one of your special home made treats.... Congrats and have a lovely week...

  11. Love your blog! I enjoy reading it daily! Keep up the good work!

  12. Its a pleasure to stop by your blog nearly every day to gather some inspiration. xoxo

  13. Congratulations Peg...we love hearing your happy chatter!

  14. Peg, thank you for the chance. Reading your blog is always a pleasure. I am glad you have so many followers. Well deserved

  15. congrats Peg love your blog
    hugs Beth

  16. 700 followers is well deserved and being a part of OPAM is one of the best groups I have joined as a blogger. You have great use f fabrics which is why I keep coming back again and again.

  17. You have a fun blog, so I'm not surprised that 699 others thinks so, too! Congratulations! ~karen

  18. Love your blog Peg - I drop in fact when you don't post I always hope all is right in your world. Congrats for reaching 700....I'm still trying for 25 :)

  19. Wow Peg, 700 followers, that's huge! Congratulations. Your work is beautiful and very inspiring. Thanks for the chance to win.

  20. Congrats Dear Peg on over 700 followers,just goes to show how inspiring your blog is and how sweet you are.xx

  21. Congratulations Peg, its always interesting reading your blog and now a giveaway... how exciting.


  22. congrats keep us all inspired and love to have a go a new stuff....always a pleasure to visit your blog!

  23. I love seeing all of your lovely work! Thank you for the chance to win!

  24. It is always fun to see what you have been up to. We should be thanking you for giving us something great to read every day. Thank you.

  25. Its not hard to see why you have so many followers; you do lovely work, the pictures are clear and you take the time to respond to your followers. Congratualations and keep up the good work!

  26. 700 followers & over 400,000 page views - that's massive Peg & I can see why people love to visit your blog. Congratulations! Tracee xx

  27. Wow so many followers! It is always lovely visiting your blog, so inspiring with all the beautiful things you make.
    Of course I would love to enter!

  28. And I am very pleased to be one of those 700 Peg - Visiting your blog is always a pleasure. Hugs - Fee X

  29. You and Your Blog are an Inspiration..You Create Beautuful Things..I wouldn't miss it for the World..

  30. That is great 700 followers, you make us happy.

  31. So many beautiful things being made I am not surprised that you have 700 followers and I am very pleased to be one of them. Hugs, Sharon

  32. I just LOVE popping by, you do some of the most beautiful work which helps keep me inspired, Thankyou. xxx

  33. Thanks to you for the ispiration you provide. You make such lovely quilts and beautiful stitcheries! Love reading your blog

  34. Congratulations Peg on 700 Followers...that is a real achievement...Your work is so lovely and you make such gorgeous projects...I love popping in to see what you are up to...YOU GO GIRL...have a great day xoxo

  35. Congratulations on having 700 happy followers and I am one them.
    Always great to see what lovely projects you are working on.

  36. Wow, congrats on 700! Thanks for all that you share with us through your blog. It truly is a joy to follow! Thanks for the giveaway!

  37. Thankyou for being such an inspriation :)
    I love visiting to see all the beautiful goodies you make.

  38. 700 followers is amazing but so is your blog. Love it! Happily following.

  39. Wow~what an amazing accomplishment! I always enjoy seeing what you're in the midst of making.
    Please include me in.


  40. Hi Peg, such a great blog will attract many more followers...! Thanks for your welcome & encouragement to me in my own blogging. Oh, pick me, pick me!! LOL

  41. Congratulations Peg...People just can't help stopping by because you are just so inspiring...Please include me in your swap....have a great day....xo

  42. You spread a lot of happiness among others, Peg, and the lovely projects you share on your blog inspire us..I love visiting to see what you are working on ..

  43. Congrats. I just love your blog. I have had several times when I just haven't had the get-up-and-to in me only to stop by your blog and see your inspirations that I do get-up-and go. Thanks so much. Keep up the wonderful blogging.

  44. Congratulations Peg on 700 followers.. Although it doesn't surprise me at all. You have an amazing blog... you are an amazing friend... Don't stop what you're doing xx

  45. Glad I found you some years back! Your blog is such an inspiration, congrats on all 704 followers :-)

  46. Congrats on the followers and thank YOU for being such an inspiration.

  47. I love reading your blog Peg, even though I don't always comment. You inspire me to keep sewing with what little time we have. You once told me you try to do a little bit each night, I think you said an hour, and since I came back from Nundle I have been doing that, almost every day, and have finished one quilt binding and almost finished another. xxx

  48. You accomplish so many finishes, I find your work inspirational, along with 700 others who feel the same ~

  49. Seven hundred followers, congratulation. That is a awsome number. I would love to be in your drawing, you make so lovely things. Hugs Jofrid

  50. That is fantastic Peg. Congrats on 700 followers. I love reading your posts and the quote each day. They are always so inspiring.

  51. Congratulations Peg! I love all your projects & would feel so honored to receive one. Thanks for the giveaway!

  52. Your blog is always inspirational Peg.

  53. Congratulations! I'm not surprised. I love visiting your blog - so much inspiration.
    Thanks for giving me a chance to win.

  54. Congratulations !
    I like read your blog !
    Thank you for the chance ,

  55. I sure do enjoy following along, Peg! :o) Glad I found you in blog land.

  56. WOW Peg 700 followers, that is fabulous. I love reading your blogs, they are usually about what I also like in life! Congratulations, SuziQ

  57. Wow that is a big number - so lots of fans in your club.
    Thanks for the inspiration you regularly display for all to see.

  58. Muchas gracias por todo lo que nos enseñas ,me encanta tu blog y no me pierdo ninguna entrada,besos desde Valencia ,España

  59. Ditto Peg,you are truley an inspiration to all who visit your blog,me being one of them.Congratulations and may you keep blogging for many more years to come :) Barb.

  60. Peg,I love popping in to see what you are up to, you are always so inspirational! Looking forward to meeting you at Nundle next year if not before xx

  61. Thank you for writing nice blogs and for hosting OPAM.

  62. Congratulations. I love seeing all your small projects.I need to get away from big quilts sometimes, and you are inspiring.
    Shannon in Canada

  63. That's amazing Peg 700 followers! I have 6
    It shows people are really enjoying what you have to say and make. Thanks Peg.

    Annie list your blog and I will follow you.
    Mine is

  64. Congratulations on 700 followers!! I don't always leave a comment everyday but I most certainly pop in for a look to see what lovely things you have been creating - Thankyou for the inspiration xxx

  65. Félicitation Peg, C'est pour moi un bonheur de vous lire tout les matins et de d'écouvrir vos merveilles.Je suis loin du Canada,mais c'est comme si vous étiez ma voisine.Je sais pas si je peut participer mais je vous remercie de partager avec nous.
    Je sais pas si vous suivez le mien mon blog.
    Bonne journée.Gisèle

  66. way to go Peg..I thank you for all the inspiration I get from reading your blog,cheers Vickie

  67. I'm so happy to be one of your followers Peg! It's always so much fun to see what you're making! Thanks for the giveaway and congratulations! :0)

  68. Congratulations. Keep posting as you inspire.

  69. 700 followers that is a lot of people go to show Peg how much you are liked. I am so glad I got to now you through blogging. You are such a lovely lady.

  70. Congratulations on 700 followers.
    Your stitching is an inspiration. Love your work :0)
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  71. Hi Peg... I have followed your blog for some time now and enjoy reading and seeing what you are up too... Congrats of 700 followers... Hugs :)

  72. I always love to see what new things you are creating and amazed at what all you accomplish. :)

  73. I just popped by to see what you have going on...and wow...700 followers! That is a huge achievement. Thanks for all the inspiration you bring to us. A big congrats!!!

  74. You have an amazing blog. I love it. You inspire me to get things done. Love the cheering section. Thank you.

  75. Wow! 700 followers, that's a lot! Congratulations! Hugs Ullis in Sweden

  76. congratulations Peg, I´m one of your followers, happy to be ☺

  77. Congrats ...........Looking forward to the next 700, thats for the inspiration

  78. Heartfelt congratulations Peg. I love your little comments at the end of each post.

  79. Congratulations Peg. I always enjoy seeing your wonderful creations. I continue to be amazed by the amount of stitching you find time to do. Keep it up.

  80. Congratulations Peg. I'm one of those faithful followers and I love to visit to see all your gorgeous creations.

  81. Congrats on a fantastic achievement. No wonder so many follow... you are just so interesting! Love your work!
    Hip Hip Hooray! :)

  82. Congratulations for having 700 followers Peg! Love the scarves you've been knitting, I'll have to have a go myself!

  83. many beautiful comments do you have...........well done my precious friend......

  84. Wow, Peg. Miss a day reading and nearly missed congratulating you on your 700 followers. It is no surprise to us, and we all get such inspiration from your posts and your projects. Well done my friend.

  85. Peg you are so amazing with all that you achieve! You are an amazing inspiration to us all! Wish we lived close by so we could stitch all day long!! Congratulations on your 700th blogging friendship ... long may you continue to share your beautiful gift with us all! xx

  86. I love reading your blog and seeing what you've been up to-obviously I'm not the only one! Congratulations on your 700 followers. :)

  87. Congratulations on your 700-strong following, Peg. You deserve it! Thank you for your positive and bright blog posts - they always cheer my day and inspire me to be more creative.

  88. Congratulations on reaching 700 followers, Peg. I still use a blog roll and your blog is on it. I'm sure if there was a way of counting all the times you are on blog rolls, it would be at 700 again!

  89. Wow, congratulations Peg!
    And thank you for your generosity!


  90. I am also a happy follower , I love seeing what you create :-) Congratulations on 700 followers that is awesome.

  91. Wow Peg... 700 followers... I am sure people are loving reading what you make as much as I do.


  92. Have been a blogger 'stalker' for a while occasionally leaving a comment I love what everyone else is up to and thankyou for posting so frequently - congratualtions on 700 before long it will be 1000

  93. Congratulations Peg! You get so much done and you are so much fun to follow. I don't always leave comments, but I always read!

  94. Wahoo! Congratulations on 700+...thanks for the continual inspiration...hugs...

  95. Congrats Peg on your 700.Your Blog is always A pleasure to look at you always have so many interesting things to look at keep up the good work.
    Hugs Mary.xx

  96. Oh Peg, WOW! You have such a wonderful Blog to follow by such a wonderful friend :) I'm lucky to know you personally xx

  97. Congratulations on 700 followers.
    And thank you for all your inspirational posts...I just wish I was as fast a worker as you are :)

  98. congratulations on so many followers Peg - they all know a good blog to follow :) and thanks so much for the inspiration and nudge I needed to get blogging myself - love your work :)

  99. Congratulations Peg - I am definately one of your blog addicts, and you always manage to post before I head off to work daily - reading your blog is a wonderful way to start my day!

  100. I have never commented on a blog before! I do enjoy seeing your projects and reading your thoughts of inspiration. Thanks for your encouragment to be creative and productive.

  101. I have never commented on a blog before! I do enjoy seeing your projects and reading your thoughts of inspiration. Thanks for your encouragment to be creative and productive.

  102. I can EASILY believe you have 700 followers I've told you're a wonderfully crafty motivation!!!!! and a pretty cool chick to boot!! LOL
    xoxoxo sugary hugs
    Wendy :O)

  103. I think everything you have made is just beautiful and I would be honored if I won anything. Thanks for giving me a chance to win.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment, I do enjoy reading them all...take care, keep safe, happy quilting .. Peg