
Saturday, April 21, 2012

Its Saturday…




I should be completing a BAS today, but it was such a big week, I have decided to do a bit of R&R and the Bas can be done tomorrow….

Best way to R&R is to sew….

Today my number one son started a new job …Chef in the Diamond Mine in WA…and number one twin which is number two son and his girlfriend are off on their first overseas holiday…Kate’s brother is getting married in the Philippines on one of the Islands and they will be staying on for a few extra weeks…everyone was very excited this morning….

Happy Saturday

Take Care Peg….

Sons, you outgrew my lap, but never my heart.


  1. Hi Peg. I hope your Family are safe in their travels.have A good weekend.
    Hugs Mary.xx

  2. Lots of news and activity at your place! Adorable applique hexies.. :o)

  3. Lovely stitching... Saturdays are good and especially if you can have some R&R... all the best to the boys...

  4. what an exciting weekend at your house Peg,enjoy and relax.xx

  5. Exciting times for both boys Peg. Wonder what you're doing with those hexies? Don't blame you, I'd put off the BAS's as well.

  6. Sewing is much more exciting than BAS - dont think the tax man will like that excuse though!

  7. Don't blame you for choosing sewing over BAS Peg!!! Good luck to your chef son and hope he likes it over there in WA... Bon Voyage to traveling son... hope he enjoys the wedding and his first o/s trip!! All very exciting xx

  8. Sewing is more exciting than doing the BAS. I love the saying about sons outgrow your lap but not your heart. Beautiful work.

  9. Glad you opted for the R & R rather than the BAS!!!!! Lots of excitemnent in your house, wish it was me setting off on an overseas holiday! We visited one of the diamond mines on our kimberley trip and the food produced in the kitchens was amazing!!

  10. The quilt looks lovely . Some paper piecing added, how cool. I think kids get away so parents always have somewhere new to go on vacation. but we do miss them so.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment, I do enjoy reading them all...take care, keep safe, happy quilting .. Peg