
Thursday, December 22, 2011

I did panic just a bit…


Something for Christmas


Something to read….when Jen writes in the diary there will be lots to read…


Something to eat…


Something smellie….lavender filled heat bag…


Fat quarter…and there is still one more parcel to open on Christmas day…


There is a story….two weeks ago I sent these off to my 6 Items Swap Partner Jenny…..they did have a little way to travel but only to QLD…

after 10 days…..there were a few emails…. has it arrived? …no….I was beginning to think the parcel may have been lost…we had all checked with the PO…nothing…………..

it was now 15 days since I had sent the parcel…and guess what.. Tuesday it rocked up on Jen’s door…..(I could not have asked for a better day for the parcel to arrive as Jen did need a little cheering up, if you have been reading Jens blog you will know why…)..

So…these are the goodies I had made ……

Thanks Maree it was a fantastic swap…..xx

Happy Thursday (can you believe it) three sleeps…

Take Care Peg….

Keep your Christmas-heart open all the year round.


  1. Lovely makings there Peg and especially good on you for the parcel for Jenny, yep she's had a rough time and yep she's taken it hard so I bet the parcel was very well received and a bit of a warm fuzzy for her ;)
    hugs. Miche'le xx

  2. Lovin' all your stitchy goodies you made~lovely!

    Merry Christmas,

  3. Glad Jen's parcel finally arrived. It's always a worrying that it will get lost. The lavendar bag is beautiful!

  4. Such fantastic gifts you made for Jen.. glad they got there intime.
    Happy Christmas

  5. You know Peg your parcel arrived when it was supposed to when Jenny really needed to be cheered up,and what a lovely cheery parcel it was,beautiful gifts made with love.xx

  6. What gorgeous gifts, Peg, and it seems to me they were right on time....she sure needed some cheering up! Bless you!

  7. Peg, that was lucky your parcel arrived safely. I am waiting on a parcel that was sent from a swap back in October. It has been given to a new home I would think. A bit sad really that someone has taken it or that it has been lost in the mail....

  8. Peg, that was lucky your parcel arrived safely. I am waiting on a parcel that was sent from a swap back in October. It has been given to a new home I would think. A bit sad really that someone has taken it or that it has been lost in the mail....

  9. Always hard to guess how long Australia Post will take!!!

  10. So glad it finally arrived. I love the tree, it looks so different with the green stitching.

  11. And I love every single gift so much more because they came from {{{{you}}}}!
    That little bear full of chockies is losing weight at a rapid pace, Peg...NO idea why. ;-)
    Love you heaps dear friend,

  12. The postman is playing with our minds this year Peg. My SSCS swap only just got to Canada after over a month. It is so upsetting when you think our treasures have been lost. Geeat timing by the sounds of it though. The heat bag is glorious, too nice to use for that. Merry Christmas Peg, Tracee xx

  13. You made and sent Jen wonderful gifts Peg! Your wonderful! ;)


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment, I do enjoy reading them all...take care, keep safe, happy quilting .. Peg