
Saturday, January 15, 2011

So much to do……………..




So what’s been happening today…..up early, did a few domestics…..and then it was time to tackle quilt number three of my “Sew Its Finished Challenge”….hosted by the gorgeous Wendy and Dawn…the other day I made a comment that I thought I was missing a quilt…guess what…it wasn’t one it was 5….I found 5 more tops…so my 16 quilts has now risen to 21… this is number 3 of 21 that has gone under the machine….LOL…

Happy Saturday

Take Care Peg….:>)….

If you don't like something change it; if you can't change it, change the way you think about it. 


  1. Oh that fabric is yummy! Love it. Looks like you are keeping busy!

  2. Oh dear Peg! Don't go looking again you might have to change the total of flimsys again! ;) Well done on number 3 though!

  3. Good girl Peg just keep at it you will get there honestly and the way you manage to churn things out it wont take long

  4. leave you alone for 5 minutes and look what happens, you grow 5 more quilts

  5. 21 quilt tops - that's impressive. I love the fabrics in the quilt in the photo.

  6. Wonderfull! Beautiful palette!

  7. I am only new at quilting about 4 years lol I have 7 ufo, one day like you hope to catch up

  8. You are going so well Peg! Another beautiful quilt

  9. lol WIPs have a way of secreting themselves away like that. I keep finding more, too. The fabric is lovely....Can't wait to see the finished product.

  10. Another beautiful quilt being finished off! Really I think it's great you have so many tops just waiting to be quilted! It's alomost like instant gratification! :0)

  11. Lovely quilt Peg. Gosh looks like you have got wings ;-)

  12. Hehehe, what's a quilt or two between friends!! Glad you found them :-) You're doing really well with your finishes, I'm still formulating the list that needs doing!!

  13. wow five more!!Maybe they are multiplying in the cupboard. You are making great headway either way.
    A lovely quilt.

  14. Oh dear Peg....5 more!
    Well if anyone can do it is you!!
    This one is very pretty.....
    and look at it like will be a 'professional' quilter by the time you are
    Seriously you do a fabulous job on the quilting....I get my bigger ones professionally quilted as I am a hopeless quilter. I manage small items and cot quilts....but run a mile from anything else!!
    Have fun!

  15. Oh how pretty - is that Prints Charming fabric?? I love their stuff, I have a quilt I made from their fabric. I can't believe you misplaced five quilts, lol - but you're doing SO well, I know you'll get to them all!

  16. I'm glad I'm not the only one that happens to. I found a few more too after I pledged on the blog. But I will add them later after I have finished a few on my already loooong list. Keep up the spirit.

  17. A very pretty quilt Peg! Oh dear, more quilt tops....breeding, like I said! Not to panic, I am sure you will get them done. I have a stack here in the house and know there is 6 stashed away in a bag in the roof....(storage room). You have made a wonderful start to reducing your flimsy's!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment, I do enjoy reading them all...take care, keep safe, happy quilting .. Peg