
Friday, October 15, 2010

3 Friends Needed Please….

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This was another stitchery from 2008 Cyber Stitching….I only had this one traced onto the fabric…but now it is finished and it will be hanging on my wall very soon….(how long is it to Christmas?)

Wow…what a week….it has been so busy at work, and I have so much to do today not sure how I will fit it all in……hope you all a fantastic day…

imageI have just found this……….is anyone interested in joining me….I need 3 friends please…..sorry Aussies only…… Stitching around the block…have a read here..


take care Peg……:>)

There's nothing like biting off more than you can chew, and then chewing anyway. 


  1. Haha - your quote goes quite well with your day, Peg! What a lovely little stocking, very sweet!
    Every time you post I'm inspired to pick up my stitching.

  2. I'll be your friend Peg! I work well under pressure!

  3. would love to but I signed up with another group...... will be watching though!

  4. Hi Peg I would love to be your friend

    hugs Beth

  5. If you still need a friend, I'd be happy to help on this project.

  6. Hi Peg, I would be happy to do this too if you need someone.
    Sounds like fun.
    Kind regards from Liz

  7. Gorgeous Christmas Stocking hanging.

    Christmas will be here shortly so you can hang it.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment, I do enjoy reading them all...take care, keep safe, happy quilting .. Peg