
Sunday, August 29, 2010

Early Bird Heart Challenge…





The lovely Judith - Early Bird Challenge……… her challenge for this month was to make something using hearts….so this is one of my items…..a simple little dilly bag with a heart stitchery….


Club Quilt today…….lots of show and tell….I have taken plenty of photos of what the girls have been making……todays slice was “Coffee Caramel Chocolate Slice”…

1 vanilla cake mix, 1 cup of coconut, 140g melted butter, mix together and press into a slice tin, cook in a moderate oven for 15 mins…In a saucepan mix 2 tablespoons of golden syrup, 30g butter, 2 teaspoons of coffee which has been blended with 2 teaspoons boiling water and 1 tin of condensed milt,  stir over heat for 5 minutes….remove the base from oven and spread with caramel mixture return to the oven for 15 – 20 mins….take out cool, over boiling water melt 1 large Cadbury chocolate…spread over slice….yummy…….

take care Peg…..:>)

There's nothing more precious in this world than the feeling of being wanted


  1. I love your bag Peg and the colours are very pretty. Love the stitchery too :) I got my new oven I will have to make this look really delicious :) Yummm!! I will bring the sausage rolls if you bring the slice :) hugs Vicki

  2. love it Peg........slice looks great too.......

  3. Love your bag very pretty.The slice looks yum I dont like coconut so when I make A slice I use oat bran instead and it tastes just as good I am going to try that one thanks.have A good week.
    Hugs Mary.

  4. Yum, that slice sounds delicious. I love the bag you made, it's a really attractive stitchery.

  5. I love your summery bag. The weather today was so nice that I can actually believe it will be summer again soon.

  6. Hermosa bolsa Peg!
    quedó muy delicada!!
    Un beso!

  7. Your work is wonderful love that little bag. Yummy coffee treat too.

  8. The bag is just adorable! The cake looks too delicious... YUM!

  9. Such a sweet little bag Peg, at first I thought maybe it was a hot water bottle cover - and I think I'll make one based on your design there! I love it.
    And now I'm drooling - oh such yummy treats you girls have!

  10. I wondered what you were going to make with those gorgeous stitcheries, Peg.....even more gorgeous-er now!!!! Love the bag....and I think I've just put on 2kg licking the screen!!!! Yummy!
    XX sugary 'chocolatey caramel' hugs
    Wendy :O)

  11. The bag looks lovely Peg...I especially love the stitchery. As to the slice....:))))) Happy crafting, Jenny

  12. Just finished checking out all the beautiful things you have been making. You are such an inspiration.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment, I do enjoy reading them all...take care, keep safe, happy quilting .. Peg