
Friday, March 26, 2010

Kind Bloggers…


Generosity…once again a blogger has touched my heart…these two lovely patterns have been sent to me by Alda  they are Ursula Schertz designs…Alda has sent them as prizes for OPAM, now how generous is that…Alda both Kris and I thank you so very much for these wonderful patterns, you are one awesome lady…..hugs to you….(so to be eligible for one of these you need to have a finish for March)


 IMG_2992  IMG_2994

And these are a few of my purchases at GDITC - my new found passion ‘wool’, all this fabric has been hand dyed by Anni’s husband Peter…. how gorgeous are they ……..can’t wait to start one of these patterns…..Oh..forgot I should be finishing not starting..LOL

Have the best day…take care Peg…:>)


  1. What a lovely lady. And what lovely patterns. I had better get cracking to get more thing complete

  2. How nice of Alda! That is so sweet. Love your new wools. They look amazing!

  3. Alda is so sweet! Love the wool too! I'm going to have to start saving up to get some! :0)

  4. I love embroidery on wool. My favourite quilt, is my wool wagga, which of course is not considered a quilt.
    Love those colours might just be tempted.

  5. Looks like you have plenty of fun things to start there.
    Very generous of Alda to provide presents - must make sure I get some finishes in these last days of March.
    Thank for sharing.

  6. Lovely prizes! and love those wools!

  7. Thank you for the idea to dye your wool for more colour combo's. The closest fabric store that "may" sell woolens is 45 minutes drive away. So its op shops for me.

  8. I'm seeing so much lovely dyed wooled popping up all over. Can't wait to see what you do with these beauties.

  9. What a lovely lady is Alda.

    I love the dyed wool. Now you know you much have finishes before you can start a new project. LOL

  10. Haha - if I start something new before I finish, I lose all interest in finishing! I try very hard to finish before I start something new. Not always successfully.
    Love the sheep and the wool, Peg. What lovely prizes for OPAM!

  11. Can't wait to see what you come up with Peg.... Always nice to start something new. Love the fabrics.
    How kind are bloggers to help you with prizes. Great idea.

  12. Looking at all those beautiful wools makes me feel warm and fuzzy.

  13. How very kind of Alda to send such lovely gifties. Got to say I would love one of those patterns, good thing I've got finishes for March to get my name in the hat. Love the wools, looking forward to seeing what you turn those into.

  14. Love your purchases from Anni. wow the patterns look wonderful how generous of Alda .

  15. LOVE that wool ... you will have fun with that. The stitcheries look nice ... very generous of Alda.

  16. Very generous of Alda, they look like lovely patterns..
    ahhh, the wools, they are just divine aren't they....

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Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment, I do enjoy reading them all...take care, keep safe, happy quilting .. Peg