
Sunday, January 24, 2010

its Sunday…


This afternoon I am going to take 20 steps out my back door and spend a little time down here….another scorcher today…floating in the pool are the ‘noodles’ we use for our exercises..


Stephanie has given this lovely award to me….Lemonade Stand Award……when live gives you lemons you make lemonade….The award is given out to bloggers that show great attitude and gratitude…(not sure if that is me, but it does make me feel so darn good)

I am very touched by this award…once again I never really know what to say….thankyou just doesn’t seem enough…I now have another problem, I need to select 10 blogs…but how can I, there are just so many of you out there who really just blow me away…every blog has a way of making lemonade out of lemons…..I know this is the easy way out, but today if you visit please take this badge with you….Steph, thankyou so very much.

These are the rules of accepting the award.  Put the Lemonade logo on your blog or within your post.  Nominate at least 10 blogs with great attitude or gratitude.  Link the nominees within your post.  Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blog.  Share the love and link to the person from whom you received this award.


and this is a little stitchery I have just finished..not sure yet what this will be…

Have a fantastic day.

Take care …….Peg…………..:>)…


  1. Hi Peg,

    Your stitchery is very pretty :)

  2. the pool looks great.........done my exercise today.........may do some more sure is a hot one..........

  3. Another beautiful stitchery. Congratulations on your well earned award. It has cooled down here in the south - at least for now - enjoy your pool time.

  4. That looks so relaxing. Hope you had a great day and not to hot. Congrats on your award. Love your stitchery.

  5. Loving your pool! Looks so lovely. We are not in scorcher territory here at the moment (we hit that on Tuesday again!) but I could just go for a dip! It was low 30's here. Definitely swimming weather!

  6. Hmm wish I could dive in your pool and feel the warm sun on my skin! No it is white and cold here.
    Love your stitchery and congrats on the award!

  7. Don't get sunburnt!! I did yesterday, and have spent today indoors in the air con! Thank goodness we have an ample supply of Aloe Vera growing in the garden!
    Well done on the award!
    That embroidery would look great on an apron, a bag, a book cover, or a pillow!! I can see it on any of them!

  8. The pool looks very inviting! The stitchery is gorgeous. Perhaps you will use it in the center of a small quilt or on the front of a bag.

  9. Lovely pool you have Peg! Now I'm definitely coming to visit you! Pretty stitchery too! :0)

  10. Another beautiful stitchery, Peg!

    I can see why you got the Lemonade Stand always have such a sunny disposition, always have something so positive to share!

    Keep cool, Peg and enjoy the pool!

  11. Swimming seems a bit foreign up here in the north hemi but the pool is gorgeous. Congrats on the award :)

  12. Oh lie in the sun would be heaven! At least it is peeking out a bit this morning, but more snow is on the way! I do love all the seasons, never boring! Enjoy the pool and sun!

  13. Lovely stitchery Peg. And the pool looks inviting. Shall I send you some cold and rain from here?

  14. Peg as usual the stitchery is gorgeous... your pool looks lovely..
    congrats on the award.. you deserve it... I love your blog and usually check in every morning....
    Cath Ü

  15. Oh goody - I'm SO glad someone gave that to you! Especially after my mix-up the other night [thinking you didn't accept awards...ah, senility.] Peg, you are always so upbeat and encouraging. You are very special to me.

    That pool looks wonderful but the sunshine looks better! I'd forgotten what it looked like. I'm glad it's still shining somewhere in the world. Your stitchery is just darling! I can't wait to see what it will turn into.

  16. Very cute stitchery, and that pool looks very inviting....all things going well we will have one here next summer!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment, I do enjoy reading them all...take care, keep safe, happy quilting .. Peg