
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Berry Slice – OPAM 2010 finish nearly..



Tonight I hope to finish this small wall hanging(I have just given it a little wash so all I have to do is give it an iron) so that will be number 3 for OPAM 2010……how close is everyone else to a finish or for some another finish?

Above is the slice I made to take to Club Quilt….just a little change or two to an apple slice I make..

Berry Slice

1 buttercake cake mix, add a handful of dried raisins,  125g of melted butter, mix well…press into a slice tin, which has been lined with baking paper sprinkle the top of the mixture with a little cinnamon ….put into a moderate oven for 7 mins…in a bowl  place a carton of sour cream, 1 beaten egg, mix well…..about 200g of frozen berries (give or take, the berries I used were  still frozen but you could thaw them), stir gently, I have a lot of colour in mine so I could have stirred a bit too much… this time the base should be  ready remove from oven and spread evenly with the mixture, return to the oven cook for a further 25-30 min…..once cooled refrigerate…..and it is yummo…

take care Peg……:>)…………..


  1. That's a gorgeous wallhanging Peg, great (nearly) finish!

  2. Peg the slice looks delicious and wall hanging looks lovely too... I have three dolls finished and a mini quilt... so I am on a roll for January.. I have pics on my Typepad blog.....

    Cath Ü

  3. Hi Peg

    That slice recipe is also great using the frozen rhubarb instead of apples or berries - although it does need a little bit of sugar mixed in with it. Looking forward to seeing the finished wallhanging.

  4. PS - can't remember if I cooked the rhubarb first - maybe I did (it was a while ago).

  5. Thanks for sharing the recipe, Peg - I will definitely try it soon. And your wall hanging is lovely. I'm on the way to my first finish; just have the binding to stitch on.

  6. Thanks for the recipe, Peg! The wall hanging is gorgeous!
    Hugs - Lurline♥

  7. The wall hanging is gorgeous Peg!
    Yummy recipe...
    Peg I have been on a roll and have four finishes for January..
    Julia ♥

  8. Yummy looking slice, and the wall hanging is real cute. WoW everyone sure has been busy in January, I have three finishes so far.

  9. Peg, thanks for the yummy recipe, will have to give it a try! Cute little wall-hanging, too. I have my Cinnamon Twist ready to tack down the binding this evening! Yea!

  10. Thank you so much for the recipe! It looks yummy! The wall hanging is gorgeous.

  11. Nice wall hanging!! I haven't done mine yet! I think you should start another club too... one for people that start lots of projects per month! ;) I started another two yesterday but no finishes yet!

  12. GAWJUS wallhanging Peg!!! Thanks for the slice recipe ... I can't wait to try it ...... YUMMMM!!!!
    Joy :o)

  13. MMMMMMM that berry slice looks good! Love your little wallhanging, Peg!

  14. Very nice wall hanging. I love your header. Where did you ever get the dogs, the real one is adorable but the wooden(?) one are cute as heck. :^)

  15. The wall hanging is fantastic! I'm starting to think you don't sleep with all the projects you go through so quickly!

    And the berry treat looks yummy!

  16. Very nice on both counts Peg but I forgot to have a taste :(

  17. Nice article as for me. It would be great to read something more concerning this matter. Thanx for posting that data.
    Joan Stepsen
    Girl geeks

  18. What a cute little wall hanging. No 3 great.

    Yommo for the recipe many thanks for sharing

  19. The wall hanging looks beautifull! So does that cake!

  20. Good brief and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you on your information.

  21. You should start every post with a slice of heaven desert! :o) You are doing so well with your OPAM ... gosh you could take a break for the next two months and still be ahead.

  22. Stop it Peg.... you are so naughty tempting me with your terrific recipes... yummo. lol


  23. Nice brief and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you for your information.

  24. Thanks for the recipe, Peg! The wall hanging is gorgeous! Hugs - Lurline♥


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment, I do enjoy reading them all...take care, keep safe, happy quilting .. Peg