
Saturday, October 3, 2009

Had to and Want To's

This is what I HAD to do this morning....we have had so much dust around the past couple of weeks I really had to shift some of it....
But this is what I WANT to do this afternoon...hopefully I will get his finished today.....hope you all get a chance to do some of my WANT to as well.....


  1. Perhaps this evening you'll get time for some "WANT TO" projects in the sewing room :) I got a little stitching done in between looking after customers at the Quiltery today :) Hugs Jx

  2. OK so you turned my DYSON ORANGE INSTEAD OF purple and stole my enyo cloths I KNEW THEY WOULD TURN UP SOME WHERE :-)

  3. Oh no! Peg if you use that cleaning gear it will wear/run out and you will need to buy more.

  4. I had to do all the HAD TO'S this morning as well! Too tired to do anything decent after all that though! will sit tonight with some crocheting I think.

  5. Oh Peg I really feel sorry for you. Can't tell you how I hate 'had to's'. Did I hear another dust storm is on its way......?

  6. Oh, I just truly dislike cleaning! When I was working full-time, I had a lady that came in and cleaned 3 days a week! I MISS HER SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH! Now I am home all the time, so I have to clean, but let's just say my house is NEVER truly clean anymore!

  7. Oh peg I should do some have to but have just done want to.

  8. I just hate it when the 'have tos' get in the way of my 'want tos' !!!

  9. Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do.

  10. Love your post this morning!! You just described my yesterday! Very funny!

  11. Duty before pleasure, right? I hope you found lots of time for the want tos!

  12. Looks just like my day too Peg LOL.
    Joy :o)

  13. Nice to see you had your priorities right today Peg.
    Wish I could say the same....
    Loving all your recent sewing.
    Might even pick up some stitching again tonight. xx


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment, I do enjoy reading them all...take care, keep safe, happy quilting .. Peg