
Sunday, July 19, 2009

Awesome DAY..................

Well it happened again....another lovely day at 'Club Quilt'.........I was able to get together the shaggy quilt for my son, just have to sew down the bind and then into the washing machine....We had special visitors today at Club Quilt......Chookyblue and Fairy Girl, it was just so nice to see them both. haven't seen Chooky since GDITC back in March, so it was an even extra special day today (thanks heaps for calling love you both)...........I am sure I have told you, but anyway I am going to tell you again....gee I'm blessed, I do have such a great life.......


  1. I love your shaggy quilt...I'm sure your son will too;) Is that your machine??? It looks a whole lot like the one I just bought last week;)

  2. Your quilt looks great...nice to have such sweet visitors!

  3. Love the quilt Peg ... those colours are fabulous - I bet your Son's going to love it :o). Just in time to snuggle under to beat the winter chills!!
    Joy :o)

  4. Peg Please may I have my princess back (sewing Machine) I have the same one. love the quilt, colours are great too

  5. I wish I had a Club Quilt to go to every once in a while.

  6. so nice to see you today........thanks for making the day wonderful...........

  7. so nice to see you today........thanks for making the day wonderful...........

  8. oh and the shaggy quilt looks great.......

  9. Love the fabrics in the looks so lovely and cuddly....glad you had a good day & with some lovely visitors at that...

  10. Your new header is sooooo cute!!

    And i love the colors in your son's new quilt....i haven't made a shaggy quilt's on my list!!


  11. What a wonderful quilt! Love the colors. It sounds like a very lovely day Peg, yes you are blessed!

  12. Sounds like a great day. Love your new header.

  13. Sounds like a great day. Love your new header.

  14. Another great quilt! I don't know how you do it!

  15. I like the colors you used in this quilt.

  16. Hey Peg! Wow! You really ARE Super Stitcher! Love your son's shaggy quilt - those colours are just wonderful - boy-ish without being daggy ... as so many of our boys are! Tee! Hee! Hee! And your new banner pic is lovely too - what a well behaved puppy to sit up there for you - our two would be all over the place and never looking at the camera at the right moment - there'd be a photo of a quilt with a back leg and tail disappearing off to the side ... a photo of where the dog USED to be! Tee! Hee! Hee! Hope you're having a great start to the week - alwyas love your post-Club Quilt catch ups! Bear Hugs! KRIS

  17. So pleased you had such a lovely day, and come lovely visitors!
    The shaggy quilt looks fabulous!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment, I do enjoy reading them all...take care, keep safe, happy quilting .. Peg