
Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The winner is....................

This is a little table runner that I have made for the Sewn Blog Party Giveaway(I do hope you have all checked this site out, it is sooooooo good.)....I have used a Gail Pan stitchery which was a free stitchery from her blog (I really enjoyed stitching this one, Gail is just so talented).... and then I just added a few block here a row there and came up with this little Christmas table runner...I would like to thank everyone for all the lovely comments made on my previous post...and it was just so nice to see so many new names pop up in my the winner of my draw is...................(Random Generator has been used)








"Dan and Karen"....
Congratulations I do hope you like my runner, please send me your postal address and I will post the runner off to you in the next day or so....
Once again thank you so much for participating in my little remember keep an eye on the Sewn web site


  1. Congrats to the winners.... I missed your giveaway. I'll just have to make one myself.

  2. Well shucks, it wasn't me but congratuations to the very lucky winner.

  3. I love the way you "announced" the winners! (laughing) You are too cute.

  4. Congratulation to the winners and Well Done Peg the Tablerunner is beautiful and very festive!! Cathy

  5. Gosh! I felt like I was watching Australian Idol! Very professional winner announcement Peg! Congrats to the winners (so jealous!)! This was a fun giveaway!

  6. I woke up to an awesome email telling me that I was the winner of this beautiful table runner! I can't believe it! I don't usually win anything, but I think my luck has changed! It's even more beautiful now that I can see the whole thing. Thank you for this giveaway and picking me! I will email my address to you.


  7. Such a shame I missed the give away. Have been busy lately. Congrats to the lucky winner of this lovely table runner.

  8. Congrats to the winner. That was a lovely way to use Gail's stitchery pattern.

  9. Congratulations to the winner.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment, I do enjoy reading them all...take care, keep safe, happy quilting .. Peg