
Saturday, November 15, 2008

I received a parcel in the post...and of course I assumed (which you should never do) it was my SSCS ...I noticed the name on the parcel it was from Betsy...and I thought ....It must be from Quilting Fiesta, I didn't open it...but looked at it a lot...but really wasn't sure if it was the same Betsy so I sent an email to Chookyblue to see if she was my SSCS partner...and no she is of course I ripped it open and look what was inside, all these gorgeous projects, silk embroidery, and yes it was from Quilting Fiesta, Betsy....written on the card was "I saw these and thought of you" how gorgeous is that....I just love silk embroidery, can't wait to start these...Betsy thankyou so very very much, that truly was just so thoughtful.....hope you are all having a fab was clean up time today at it is time to sit out the back under the pergola and have a 'corona with lemon'....


  1. very nice Peg! Silk ribbon embroidery is on my list to things to try ; one day!

    thanks also for your prompt response about cyber stitching day on Nov 22nd

    will be at a quilt retreat from Nov 21, at 3 pm to Nov 23 til 3 pm; I'm so looking forward to it :^))

  2. Lucky you Peg, what a thoughtful person Betsy must be!! We had a garden clean up today too..remulched the backyard!! Cathy

  3. I am glad you like it. You deserve treats , you are a very giving person too. I did not forget your generosity earlier in the year,

  4. all I know is lucky I know who Santa be terrible to open the discover it was from your treats..........

  5. What a fantastic way to start your day!!

  6. Very pretty contents, and how thoughtful of Betsy.

  7. What a nice gift to receive in the mail. Much better than bills and circulars!!

  8. It is so great to receive post like that.

  9. Lovely gift Peg. I think that you have a great idea there at the end. I wish that I couuld join you.

  10. Oh, I just found your blog and am so glad I did. I love your quilts. I'm adding you to the blogs I read. I haven't had a chance to read many of your post, but I will definitely be doing so.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment, I do enjoy reading them all...take care, keep safe, happy quilting .. Peg