
Thursday, October 30, 2008

Gifts from Pia.....

I received a parcel today in the post from Sweden...I was so excited it was delivered to me at work....and look what was inside..all these gorgeous goodies are from my Stitchers Angel Friend...Pia....I was just blown away...I just love the mouse stitchery Pia has used...she has made for me this beautiful folder, I will keep this for special stitcheries, and matching drawstring bag, I just love it.........two gorgeous pot holders, my kitchen is green so these will be just perfect...a Swedish Quilting Magazine filled with wonderful projects to do, and fabric such beautiful fabric, this will be made into something very special and there is still more, candy and chocolate, Pia tells me these are very popular in is every one jealous of all my treats....Pia thank you so very very much I will cherish each and everyone of these gorgeous gifts you have made for me.......this has been so much fun thanks again the Helen for organizing such a fantastic swap....


  1. What a great set of gifts! I am anxiously awaiting my angel gift and I finally posted mine yesterday.

  2. Wow, some lovely presents there!

  3. Wow, Peg. That certainly does look great! Hope they have a Stichers Angel Swap next year again, so that I can join in. Enjoy all your lovely treats:O)

  4. Such nice things. Beautifully made I can tell. LOVE the little mouse. Great job Pia.

  5. Peg, what a lovely presents!
    Kind regards,

    Beertje Zonn

  6. You are so lucky!!! Pia is a very special person and a dear friend. She can make lovely presents as no one else.
    Have all the best and sorry for man bad english.
    Big Hugh LjusneLotta of Sweden

  7. Wow! What a wonderful assortment of goodies! Enjoy them.

  8. Hello!
    Here I am, Pia, the swedish quilter..I am so happy for all your words, I´m so glad you like it! The fabrics is made by Boras Cotton, an old swedish fabric-industry, but now I´ll think the fabrics mades in Estland. The post was maybe in a hurry because I was mailing it in friday, 24 october, and you got it so soon..
    A lot of hugs to ypu from me, I´m waiting for my stitchers angel..

  9. Hi Peg,
    My angel is also called Pia, but is in Denmark.
    Your Pia has sent you some beautiful gifts, as has mine, hasn't this been great fun!

  10. Nice blog friend, I love the mouse, it's so cute! Lucky you ;)

  11. love your gifts peg arent you very spoilt! I too received some very special gifts. It was great to be in such a wonderful swap.enjoy love from judy

  12. I see some lovely swedish treats here... and lovely gifts...
    Think I will buy myself an "BilpÄse" for saturdays candy today... ;o)

  13. Lovely gifts. The little mouse is so cute.

  14. What a cute mouse! I bought some of those sweets at ikea the other day - yum!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment, I do enjoy reading them all...take care, keep safe, happy quilting .. Peg