
Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Meet Angela The Animal Lover....Angela meet Blogland..............another of my angels for The Angel Story...I think I have three to go....I have them all ready to stitch...have a fantastic day everyone, life is just so hectic at the moment, the young girl who worked with me came in last Tuesday and put in her resignation (she is off to drive trucks in the mines...big money) but she only gave me 4 days notice (bummer)...I love Shell heaps and wish her all the best....thank goodness for gorgeous friends, my dear friend Dale (Day-days blog) (who worked at the Dealership for 6 years full time and then about 4 years one day a week, and prior to that we worked together for 15 years and we are also neighbours) has come to my rescue, out of retirement again, she helped me out also last year...what would we do without beautiful people like my Day-day.....once again you have saved me....


  1. Sorry to hear Shell is leaving. One thing is for sure, your work is never boring - you never know what will happen next! How nice it is though to be able to coax Day-Day out of retirement so regularly! Thinking of you both.

  2. Wonderful blocks! Sorry to hear that Shell is leaving. It is unfortunate only 4 days notice. But how nice is that of Dale to come to the rescue. Great to have wonderful friends!!

  3. Love your angel as always. Your packaged arrived today. THANKS SO MUCH!!!! That was ever so kind of you. Glad you have Day-Day to help you. Beautiful people are priceless.

  4. Love your blocks We are all in this world to help one another I sometimes wish everyone Knew that You are lucky to have a good Neighbour.
    Hugs Mary.

  5. Hey Peg! Angela Angel is GORGEOUS - as are all her Angel sisters! And is that your Ollie I see standing beside her? Tee! Hee! Hee! Thought I'd let you know you can start stalking your Postie - I finally got my act together and posted your give-away prize! Hope you enjoy it. Bear Hugs! KRIS (Tag Along Teddies)

  6. We would all be lost without our darling friends. What's the dealership going to do when you decide the time has come to play with your stash full-time?

  7. Your angels family is growing beautifully Peg, alas mine still sit untouched. Perhaps tomorrow.

  8. Your angels always make me smile. I'm glad you're going to have some help as it sounds like you're heading into a really busy time.

  9. Your angels are so cute. I love my quilt and know you will love yours too.

  10. Blocks are looking wonderful! It is unfortunate that Shell only gave you 4 days notice. But how nice is that Day Day has come to the rescue. She sounds like a great friend.......

  11. What sweet angels! Love them with their cute hats. I am sorry for Shell only giving you 4 days notice. Sometimes things work out for the best when they present challenges in the short-term!

  12. Angela look gorgeous. Im a bit behind but hope to catch up soon. Its good to have good friends.

  13. Lovely Angel block - I am looking forward to see more :-)

  14. Thankyou for sharing.Love your blog.
    Love your angel block.

  15. Another beautiful Angel and what a busy time you have ahead of you. Glad you have an Angel close by to help you too. xx

  16. I love your Angel blocks, Angela the Animal Lover is no exception. What would we do without great friends like your dear friend Dale. Wishing you the best.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment, I do enjoy reading them all...take care, keep safe, happy quilting .. Peg