
Sunday, January 6, 2008

More tea towels

A few more completed tea towels for the Cancer Council fundraiser to be held later this year, I am really enjoying doing these, I haven't done any applique for quite a while.......Our quilting group "Club Quilt" meet today, we meet every second Sunday at the Bowling Club (my DH is the manager there) they give us their board room at no cost, and they even clean up after us, and after some days you could make a quilt from the threads on the we are very well looked after up there.


  1. I can see why you're enjoying doing these Peg, just so cute. The quality of the tea towels looks great, can you tell me where you got them from and perhaps I can get someone in my family to send me some.

  2. These are very cute, are you doing the appilque by hand or on your machine? it looks great.

  3. Your tea towels are lovely. So cute.

  4. These teatowels are also gorgeous. Do you use a pattern for the sheep and cows? Soooo cute!

  5. These tea towels are just oh so cute. I love them and think they make great fundraiser items.



Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment, I do enjoy reading them all...take care, keep safe, happy quilting .. Peg