
Sunday, December 16, 2007

My Club Quilt Gift....

Club Quilt held their Christmas Party last Thursday and it was a wonderful is a choice thing.......we exchange gifts, but the gift is to be hand made....this year I made a quilt...yes it was made out of Moda Fabric...Chelsea Boutique...once again charm packs, a small peeper and boarder....Pat received my gift, she was thrilled as she had not received a quilt made by anyone before, so I was tickled pink that Pat received my gift....


  1. Such a beautiful quilt. Loved the colours. Will have to try one of these myself.

  2. what a pretty quilt and boy was Pat lucky to win it!
    Thats nice she was so excited about it, must have made you feel great about giving the quilt away.

  3. I sure was the lucky one! Thank you so much Peg.My family all thought it was lovely when I produced it at our Christmas get-together yesterday. Pat


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment, I do enjoy reading them all...take care, keep safe, happy quilting .. Peg