
Sunday, November 30, 2008

More treats for me..

My very special friend Dale has made for me this gorgeous wall hanging (how cute are the sayings)...all these little stitcheries have velcro on the back so all I need to do it remove one and add the one that is appropriate for that day...and when not in use they live in the little bag....Day-day is one of those rare amazing people that come into your life and truly make your life so much better, I would be lost without her, she is always there, she is 'priceless'....I feel so privileged to have her in my life....and once again thank you so very much for all the beautiful emails I have received for my birthday...hugs to you all.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Lovely Day....

Well today is my birthday and I can proudly say I am 51...(gee that sounds old)....I have had a lovely day, but my little celebrations did start yesterday, rocked up to work, office all decorated (by my boss)...lovely big mud cake for morning tea...worked thru lunch and then went over to the hairdressers, the lovely Cath (Martha) owner of "Whispers" came out singing with chocolate sponge filled with jam and very thoughtful, and wow is Cath talented..... then I came home and a parcel had come in the post..and look what was inside, this has been made for me by gorgeous blogging friend.....Lynda and I have been chatting now for about a year, I think we are kindred spirits well that's how it feels to me anyway....this will be cherished, I just love it, thank you so very much Lynda...I have more show and tell, but today I am going to share this one with you...thanks to everyone for all the lovely emails I have received as well....I am blessed I have such a wonderful family the best friends a person could every ask for and I am healthy, what more could one want in life.......I hope you are all having a fab day...

Friday, November 28, 2008

Its begging...

We do not celebrate Thanksgiving here in Australia, but to all those that do...."Happy thanksgiving", keep safe and enjoy your day. Well this is haunting is begging me to make it into this weekend I hope to get a little sewing done....Moda...3 Sisters..Portobello Market.......have a fabulous day everyone
Kristina from Hungary if you are out there thank you so much for the lovely comment you left on my blog....I do love reading every ones comments, and I do try to answer them thankyou and keep them coming.....

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Music is one of the best forms of medicine......this is another of my NPNT blocks...can you believe in four weeks it will be Christmas Day.....oh dear so much to do.....enjoy your day.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Its in the post...

Well it is in the post and winging its way to ???????? who lives in ??????????
How is everyone else going? Once again Chooky you have done a fantastic has been so much fun, thanks so much, three cheers for Chooky...... so can I sign up for next year?

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Nearly finished

Look what is back from the quilters.....I have attached the bind now all I have to do is sew it down and then this is another one completed for Finns Challenge...
Another challenge is happening..this time Jackie from Canton Village Quilt Works is hosting a Black and White Quilt Challenge....looks very exciting, pop over and have a read,...the challenge is a 12month thing, so plenty of if you haven't got enough to do...LOL....come on join up it will be fun......don't just sit there, go on sign up......LOL....LOL....have a fantastic day

Monday, November 24, 2008


Once again I would like to thank everyone for their lovely comments the past couple of days on our Cyber Stitching day, I do hope you enjoyed the photos...when I did post some photos of what the girls stitched I was asked about the plastic that was being used....well this stuff was supplied in our cyber stitching kits by Karen at Mrs Martins Quilt Shop...and it looks just like plastic...what you do is trace your design onto the plastic with a waterproof pen, no need for a light box, it is easy to trace onto....tack this to your piece of fabric, I still use a stabilizer on the back....then you start stitching, I tend to stitch quite tight that is why you see some pulling in the plastic, it is nice to stitch thru, the needle goes thru very nicely...once you have completed the stitchery just soak in a little warm soapy water and the plastic dissolve, dry and press and there you go....this would be fantastic for dark fabrics.....enjoy your day...
Oh I forgot how good was "Australian Idol" last night and what about Wes, just so talented, I voted for him several times, yes I am 50 and I vote in Australian Idol (do I have a problem!!!) who cares....

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Just a few more are a few more photos of my "Party Animal Friends".......keep safe .....I hope you all sleep well tonight because I know I will....thanks so much to everyone for dropping by and leaving all the lovely was great you could be apart of our see all the photos of today when you get to the bottom go to older posts it is worth the journey....

Cath Be


Cath Ba

Gai P

Well what a fab day we had at our Cyber Stitching day, do hope you have all enjoyed the photos, I had a lot of fun taking them and am having even more fun going back over you can see by all these gorgeous ladies we have a fantastic club in our "Club Quilt".......for them all to rock up today in their outfits just totally blew me away, so my little cybers thank you so much for putting the icing on my cake.....and yes some stitching was done in amongst all the laughing and food.........sorry I didn't flip the photos....big thankyou to Karen at Mrs Martins Quilt Shop...the kits were fantastic...

Our Joanie....

Joanie had to do a little bit of Elvis to get her treat....